$ Starting a Blog_

So I decided to make a blog, why? you may ask well I don't really know myself, I just wanted to have something I can devote some of my free time to
I also wanted to just get in the habbit of typing regularly.

What will be the blog like?

Well I have not yet decided a specific type of blog, also it's just a personal blog so I'll honestly just add blogs about what's happening in life, What I am working on or just some random cool stuff I found online
I am even thinking of writing reviews of anime I watched but I have a another website which is related to anime so maybe I'll do that there...again not yet decided.

How did you make this blog

Well I considered a lot of option but from the start I wanted to generate the blog using Static site generators but stuff like hexa,jekyll and hugo are too big and have a lot of dependencies which would've been overkill for this small blog
So after some research I settled on a shell script site generator which would use markdown/org as templates, then I started working on making a one but as I'm very good with shell scripts it ended pretty badly but after some searching I found the exact same thing I was looking for- lb
lb was written in pure bash and was pretty easy to use but as I said earlier I wanteed to use markdown/org for templates, so I had to tinker a bit with the script and the css and then it worked perfectly
To generate sites all I have to do is ./lb m and it asks for the article name and then opens my text editor with the draft file where I can easily write my blog in Markdown/ORG after saving the draft I can publish it using ./lb p and it auto genrates the article with required css and header tags. For translating markdown/org to html and the other way around I use *Pandoc*
The File structure is pretty easy to understand as well

├── rolling.html
├── blogindex.html
├── lb
├── posts
│   ├── .drafts
│   │   └── starting-a-blog.md
│   ├── .htaccess
│   └── this-is-a-test-blog.html
├── rss.xml
└── sup

Here rolling.html is the blog file where all the blog posts are stored in a rolling release type format, blogindex.html is also a auto generated file where all the blogs are stored in a list type format, in the posts directory .drafts is where all the drafts are stored which are staged to be published and all the other html files are the already published articles, all other things are self explanatory

Will this blog be updated often?

Short answer- NO, mostly becuase I'm busy with college and other stuff and this blog was mostly made becuase I wanted to make one :P, though I would try my best to update the blog often. Please don't hate me if I don't kthx.
Anyways I guess I'll end this blog here as this blog was made mostly for testing purpose. Thanks for reading 😊